SWNineteen is the worlds fastest growing Tennis Coach Education and Player Development Business. Working alongside our team of associates and International partners, we certify, develop and support coaches, players, clubs, academies, federations and parents to flourish. Our goal is simple – to help others become exceptional at what they do. We do this through our online platforms and handle projects worldwide, small and large in scale working both remotely and face to face.
Coach Membership
‘Above the Court’ Coach Membership Platform Yearly Membership
Our premium video based online platform for coaches
- Unlock all the benefits:
- 3 x 12 Week Online Video Coach Education Programmes (52 hours)
- 20 Hours of Simon Wheatley speaking at International Conferences
- Access to a video library of drills
- Future content from different speakers
- Annual free entry to the SWNineteen WorldWide Conference
- 20 hours of Simon Wheatley conference/workshop speaking
- Enrolment into new global coaching qualification (for interested coaches)

Normal Price = £199
Tennis Australia 2025 Conference offer = 25% off
Type Aus2025 to apply the discount when at the payment page.
Offer ends 1st March 2025